
游慧茹副教授 HUEI-JU YU Ph. D.

游慧茹副教授 研究範疇:
研究室:大夏舘 B308
TEL: (02) 2700-5858#8558
Email: hjyu@sce.pccu.edu.tw






  1. Yu, H., Chang, Y. and Chu, C. (2019), "A technology roadmap study on omni-channel library", The Electronic Library, Vol. 37 No. 5, pp. 784-795. https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-02-2019-0054

  2. Lu, H. P., Chen, C. S., & Yu, H. (2019). Technology roadmap for building a smart city: An exploring study on methodology. Future Generation Computer Systems, 97,727-742. (SSCI)

  3. Tainyi (Ted) Luor, Hsi-Peng Lu, Hueiju Yu, Yinshiu Lu (2015), “Exploring the Critical Quality Attributes and Models of Smart Homes”, Maturitas, 82(4), 377-386.(SCI)

  4. Yu-Ting Chang , Hueiju Yu, Hsi-Peng Lu " Persuasive messages, popularity cohesion, and message diffusion in social media marketing", Journal of Business Research, Dec. 2014. (SSCI)

  5. Tainyi Luor, Hsi-Peng Lu, Hueiju Yu, Kuoliang Chang, “Trends in and Contributions to Entrepreneurship Research: A Broad Review of Literature from 1996 to June 2012”, Scientometrics, May 2014, 99(2), 353-369.(SSCI).

  6. Tainyi Luor, Hsi-Peng Lu, Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin, Hueiju Yu, “What Kind of Employee Wants to Use Corporate E-learning: An Empirical Case Study in the Financial Industry”, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 12(1), 2014, 1-12. (EI)

  7. Yu, Hueiju, Yu-Ting Chang, Tien-Tien Liao, “A study of factors that affect brand attitude after watching micro films”, International Journal of Business and Management Studies, Vol. 2, Nov. 2013 , 7-12.

  8. Yu, Hueiju, Yu-Ting Chang, “How to influence the brand attitude of audiences by micro films?", Journal of Promotion Management, Nov. 2013.

  9. <Tainyi Luor, Hsi-peng Lu, Hueiju Yu, “Contribution for wireless E-health Research: An Assessment of SCI and SSCI articles from 2002-2011”, Advanced Science Letters, Vol.19, No.7, July 2013, 2025-2028.

  10. Hsien-Tang Ko, Hsi-peng Lu, Hueiju Yu, “Comparative analysis of experience-oriented customer needs based on the Kano model: An empirical study”, The Service Industries Journal, Vol.32, Issue12, September 2012, 1973-1990. (SSCI)

  11. Tainyi Luor, Hsi-peng Lu, Robert E. Johanson , Hueiju Yu, “Minding the Gap between First and Continued Usage of a Corporate E-Learning English-Language Program”, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, Vol 8, No.1, January-March 2012, 55-75. (EI)

  12. ueiju Yu, Hsien-Tang Ko, “Integrating Kano model with strategic experiential modules in developing ICT-enabled services: an empirical study”, Management Decision, Vol.50, No.1, 2012,7-20. (SSCI)

  13. Kuo-Lun Hsiao, Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin, Xiang-Ying Wang, Hsi-Peng Lu, Hueiju Yu, “Antecedents and consequences of trust in online product recommendations: an empirical study in social shopping”, Online Information Review, Vol.34, No.6, 2010,935-953. (SSCI)

  14. Weichen Teng, Hsi-peng Lu, and Hueiju Yu, “Exploring the mass adoption of third-generation (3G) mobile phones in Taiwan,” Telecommunications Policy, Vol.33, No.10-11, 2009, 628-641. (SSCI)

  15. Yu, Hueiju and Wenchang Fang, “Relative impacts from product quality, service quality, and experience quality on customer perceived value and intention to shop for the coffee shop market” Total Quality Management & Business Excellence Vol. 20, No.11, Nov. 2009, 1273-1285. (SSCI)

  16. Lu, Hsi-Peng, Hueiju Yu and Simon S.K. Lu, “The Effects of Cognitive Style and Model Type on DSS Acceptance: An Empirical Study,” European Journal of Operation Research, Vol.131, No.3, June 2001, 649-663. (SCI)
  1. 遊戲化策略之探討,106年度科技部研究計畫。(106/08/01-107/07/31編號: MOST 106-2410-H-034-009)
  2. 以成本效益觀點探討全通路購物需求與平台使用意願之研究,104年度科技部研究計畫。(104/08/01-105/07/31,編號:MOST104-2410-H-034-018)
  3. 從體驗行銷觀點探討人們為何參與在社群媒體中的品牌活動,103年度科技部研究計畫。(103/08/01-104/07/31,編號: MOST103-2410-H-034-020)
  4. 探討個別品牌與聚落品牌之故事行銷策略架構,102年國科會計畫。(102/08/01-103/07/31,編號: MOST 102-2410-H-034-029)
  5. 探討認知涉入在故事行銷之調節效果,101年度科技部研究計畫。 (101/08/01-102/07/31,編號: MOST 101-2410-H-034-002)
  6. 探討虛擬世界印象管理與人際吸引之關係,99年度科技部研究計畫(99/08/01-100/07/31, 編號: MOST 99-2410-H-034-038)
  1. Yu, H., Chang, Y. and Chu, C. (2019), "A technology roadmap study on omni-channel library", The Electronic Library, Vol. 37 No. 5, pp. 784-795. https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-02-2019-0054
  2. Lu, H. P., Chen, C. S., & Yu, H. (2019). Technology roadmap for building a smart city: An exploring study on methodology. Future Generation Computer Systems, 97,727-742. (SSCI)
  3. Tainyi (Ted) Luor, Hsi-Peng Lu, Hueiju Yu, Yinshiu Lu (2015), “Exploring the Critical Quality Attributes and Models of Smart Homes”, Maturitas, 82(4), 377-386.(SCI)
  4. Yu-Ting Chang , Hueiju Yu, Hsi-Peng Lu " Persuasive messages, popularity cohesion, and message diffusion in social media marketing", Journal of Business Research, Dec. 2014. (SSCI)
  5. Tainyi Luor, Hsi-Peng Lu, Hueiju Yu, Kuoliang Chang, “Trends in and Contributions to Entrepreneurship Research: A Broad Review of Literature from 1996 to June 2012”, Scientometrics, May 2014, 99(2), 353-369.(SSCI).
  6. Tainyi Luor, Hsi-Peng Lu, Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin, Hueiju Yu, “What Kind of Employee Wants to Use Corporate E-learning: An Empirical Case Study in the Financial Industry”, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 12(1), 2014, 1-12. (EI)
  7. Yu, Hueiju, Yu-Ting Chang, Tien-Tien Liao, “A study of factors that affect brand attitude after watching micro films”, International Journal of Business and Management Studies, Vol. 2, Nov. 2013 , 7-12.
  8. Yu, Hueiju, Yu-Ting Chang, “How to influence the brand attitude of audiences by micro films?", Journal of Promotion Management, Nov. 2013.
  9. Tainyi Luor, Hsi-peng Lu, Hueiju Yu, “Contribution for wireless E-health Research: An Assessment of SCI and SSCI articles from 2002-2011”, Advanced Science Letters, Vol.19, No.7, July 2013, 2025-2028.
  10. Hsien-Tang Ko, Hsi-peng Lu, Hueiju Yu, “Comparative analysis of experience-oriented customer needs based on the Kano model: An empirical study”, The Service Industries Journal, Vol.32, Issue12, September 2012, 1973-1990. (SSCI)
  11. Tainyi Luor, Hsi-peng Lu, Robert E. Johanson , Hueiju Yu, “Minding the Gap between First and Continued Usage of a Corporate E-Learning English-Language Program”, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, Vol 8, No.1, January-March 2012, 55-75. (EI)
  12. Hueiju Yu, Hsien-Tang Ko, “Integrating Kano model with strategic experiential modules in developing ICT-enabled services: an empirical study”, Management Decision, Vol.50, No.1, 2012,7-20. (SSCI)
  13. Kuo-Lun Hsiao, Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin, Xiang-Ying Wang, Hsi-Peng Lu, Hueiju Yu, “Antecedents and consequences of trust in online product recommendations: an empirical study in social shopping”, Online Information Review, Vol.34, No.6, 2010,935-953. (SSCI)
  14. Weichen Teng, Hsi-peng Lu, and Hueiju Yu, “Exploring the mass adoption of third-generation (3G) mobile phones in Taiwan,” Telecommunications Policy, Vol.33, No.10-11, 2009, 628-641. (SSCI)
  15. Yu, Hueiju and Wenchang Fang, “Relative impacts from product quality, service quality, and experience quality on customer perceived value and intention to shop for the coffee shop market” Total Quality Management & Business Excellence Vol. 20, No.11, Nov. 2009, 1273-1285. (SSCI)
  16. Lu, Hsi-Peng, Hueiju Yu and Simon S.K. Lu, “The Effects of Cognitive Style and Model Type on DSS Acceptance: An Empirical Study,” European Journal of Operation Research, Vol.131, No.3, June 2001, 649-663. (SCI)
  1. 高于歡(2019)服務主導邏輯之服務價值模式探討。中國文化大學國際企業管理學系博士論文彭馨嫻(2019)網紅行銷使用者行為之研究。國立臺灣科技大學資訊管理系碩士論文
  2. 陳巧珊(2019)建構技術地圖方法論:以智慧城市為例。國立臺灣科技大學資訊管理系博士論文
  3. 堤雅(2018)以服務主導邏輯觀點探討邁向服務創新之整合模式。中國文化大學國際企業管理學系博士論文
  4. 梁鈺雨(2018)以AISAS模式探討直播網紅說服策略-以台灣美妝業為例。中國文化大學全球品牌與行銷碩士在職學位學程碩士論文
  5. 江靚慧(2017)大學生購買韓國化妝品行為意圖之研究。中國文化大學全球品牌與行銷碩士在職學位學程碩士論文
  6. 盧述萱(2017)台灣服務業之服務設計發展與模式比較分析。中國文化大學行銷碩士學位學程碩士班碩士論文
  7. 林秋蘭(2017)父母教養方式與學齡前幼兒3C產品使用之關係 - 一個跨區域比較。中國文化大學青少年兒童福利碩士學位學程碩士論文
  8. 宮菲月(2016)知識分享之前因與結果之研究:環境背景與傳遞通路之干擾效果。中國文化大學國際企業管理學系博士論文
  9. 陳冠洋(2015)以成本效益觀點探討全通路服務之使用意願。國立臺灣科技大學資訊管理系碩士論文
  10. 張郁婷(2015)社群媒體行銷使用者行為之研究。國立臺灣科技大學資訊管理系博士論文
  1. Member of Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society, 1990, USA
  2. Member of Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society, 2008, Taiwan
  3. Best Paper Award, " Persuasive messages, popularity cohesion, and message diffusion in social media marketing" in GIEM 2014, April, Taiwan